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Chartered Accountants
and tax advisors

We have extensive experience in auditing, accounting, and taxation
And financial and economic consultancy in Egypt and the surrounding countries

More about Kaian

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Our goal.. is your success

We provide all kinds of professional services and serve many clients in all fields and activities
From the industrial sector, the tourism sector, the hotel sector and the commercial sector, the educational sector, as well as the medical sector

Learn about our services

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Your Certified Consultant
And trustworthy for taxes

We provide audit, accounting, and tax services
that help you grow your business safely

Why choose us?

About Kaian - Chartered Accountants & Tax Consultants

Kaian Chartered Accountants & Tax Consultants have a team that has extensive experience in the field of auditing ,accounting taxes, financial and economic Consultancy in Egypt and the surrounding countries. Kaian also includes a distinguished work team with scientific and practical experience gained from training with The largest offices in Egypt, where they were very carefully chosen.

Our Services

Why Kaian

The employees has extensive experience in practical fields, and various professionalism has been acquired over the years


The employees has extensive experience in practical fields, and various professionalism has been acquired over the years. Office members provide their clients with permanent recommendations and directions by fully understanding the nature of their business and Provide accurate data In accordance with local laws and regulations and accounting standards and the Egyptian and international review



Our office is able to provide the highest levels of distinguished professional services to meet your requirements in various fields, auditing, taxes, financial and economic advisory and Setting financial systems and regulations, management accounting, establishing companies and mergers, bookkeeping, or any services related to these main services and that we are fully qualified to meet your requests, as the work is taken over by a responsible partner With a full team of principals and technicians, and assistants


Providing solutions

Kaian staff are always ready to discover any obstacles in the work and the ability to devise solutions to any problems that customers may encounter and provide value-added services for all different activities. Kaian staff are committed to understanding the needs of customers and the nature of the various activities so that they can help them to meet the challenges that exist or to take advantage of the opportunities.


Contact with us

We are honored to have you communicate with us
For inquiries
+2 01113743000
+2 01141503006
1 Obour Buildings - 14 Floor - Salah Salem
Cairo - Egypt

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